Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pic details: Prof. Bjarne Stroustrup , developer of c++ programming language..
Venue : CSE dept. seminar hall, CEG


Time: 1900 to 2025 [ This professor was too too punctual]

This pic answers everyone about what kurukshetra 10 is all about.. Pucca organisation...

It is not that easy to get UNESCO patronage , and we CEGians take pride in doing justice to each and every word in the main poster of K'10..

The day 0 of the event is better,bigger and more promising than that of previous year.. Till yesterday night, I was arguing that this edition will not be a big success.. Now , I happily reverse my very own words.. The schedule card is more exciting than that of the previous year... Events like "snap" and "treasure hunt" are new introductions and promises to be very innovative... Lectures and workshops will definitely be better than previous edition, and already the "robocrab" workshop today is said to have pulled around 225 participants...

Through K, the student community of CEG sends a strong signal to everyone...

Only the hostelers in chennai-25 will realise the significance of the last sentence....

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